Olympic Trampoline Where Can I Buy A Olympic Trampoline In Victoria?

Where can I buy a Olympic Trampoline in Victoria? - olympic trampoline

I need it to be - cheap ($ 1,000 U.S. $) 's Next! I live near Frankston and elsewhere would be absolutely brilliant!
Thank you for your help.


phaebarr... said...

An Olympic springboard for $ 1000?

The cheapest in Australia Jetjol Topline and trampolines. You are 16 or 17 feet of 9 or 10 feet (the largest has more than $ 2,000).

Pads are about $ 1350 + shipping.

They have 10 to 20-year warranty and will last a lifetime (just hold a conversation on the trampoline mat painting once or twice per year is required).

Delivery costs are so ridiculous that Jetjol it is very expensive. So I went with Topline to the provision of much less costly to be responsible.


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